[NEWS] Beautiful Show Indonesia: Hysterical of BEAST’s concert ‘Beautiful Show 2012′

Jakarta – Boyband BEAST menggebrak Jakarta dalam gelaran ‘Beautiful Show 2012′. Penonton pun histeris sepanjang konser berlangsung meriah tersebut. Konser dimulai sesuai yang dijadwalkan tepat pukul 20.00 WIB. Beberapa menit sebelum dimulai penonton sudah meneriakkan “We Want Beast” berkali-kali. Konser dibuka dengan potongan-potongan foto personel BEAST yang disambut gemuruh penonton. Laser hijau pun mulai menyorot ke sana ke mari. Namun di bagian silver dan bronze suasana tak kondusif karena posisi tempat duduk yang rata sehingga memaksa penonton berdiri. Keenam personel BEAST pun muncul dengan mengenakan jas ber-studded di bahu dan lengan. Tak lupa kembang api yang terus meledak di sisi depan panggung. Diiringi teriakan penonton, mereka membuka dengan ‘Special’. Disambung dengan ‘Breath’ dan ‘Shock’ yang diselingi semburan api di sisi depan panggung. “Kalian semangat sekali!” ujar Doojon. Mereka pun memperkenalkan diri dengan bahasa Indonesia. “Saya Doojon!” sambungnya. Gi Kwang pun menyebut beberapa kata bahasa Indonesia seperti “Apa kalian siap?!” membuat penonton semakin histeris. ‘Bad Girl’ jadi playlist selanjutnya. Mereka pun mulai maju ke bagian depan panggung. BEAST kemudian menghilang ke belakang panggung, namun layar lebar di panggung menampilkan ‘Mistery’. Penonton pun turut bernyanyi bersama. Mereka kembali dengan berganti pakaian. Menyanyikan ‘Easy’, mic Junhyung sempat mati sesaat dan segera diganti dengan mic lain. Namun cukup membuat penonton berteriak protes karena suara nyanyian yang menghilang beberapa detik. Tak lama ‘Clenching A Fist Tight’ kemudian dilantunkan. “Banyak fans Indonesia datang ke Korea untuk bertemu BEAST, banyak juga surat cinta dari fans Indonesia yang sudah kami baca. Maka kami ingin bertemu langsung,” Junhyung disambut teriakan penonton. Tanpa basa-basi, ‘I Knew It’ pun kemudian melantun. Dilanjutkan dengan Hyunseung dan Junhyung yang menyanyi dan menari secara solo. Penonton pun terus meneriakkan nama Hyunseung dan Junhyung yang mengenakan jas dan celana merah. Si bungsu Dongwoon dan leader Doojoon kemudian berduet dengan lagu ‘When the Door Closed’. Disambung dengan ‘Let it Snow’ Gi Kwang dan Hyunseung yang duduk di sebuah kursi berlatar sebuah ruangan. Junhyung dan Yoseob kemudian mengambil alih panggung. Sang rapper hanya mengenakan kaos putih dan celana hitam sementara Yoseob mengenakan jaket kulit hitam dan celana dengan warna senada. Keduanya menyanyikan ‘Thanks to’. Penonton sangat bersemangat sampai terasa bergoyang selayak gempa. Junhyung dan Yeosob memanggil keempat rekannya kembali ke panggung. ‘I Like You the Best’ pun kembali menggoyang. Kali ini mereka memanjakan penonton festival dengan mendekat ke semua sudut panggung. BEAST pun rupanya tahu benar cara membuat fansnya berteriak karena iri. Dengan dalih ‘mencari pacar’, mereka mengajak salah satu penonton festival naik ke atas panggung. Remaja perempuan berkaos biru dan bercelana pendek hitam itu duduk di atas panggung sementara BEAST menyanyikan ‘You’. Pipinya dicium oleh Gi Kwang dan dipeluk dari belakang oleh Yoseob. Dipegang tangan dan dipeluk pula oleh Junhyung. Plus diberi boneka besar oleh Hyunseung. Teriakan iri bergemuruh dari semua sisi. Gi Kwang bahkan sempat tiduran di paha fans beruntung itu. ‘Lightless’, ‘On Rainy Days’, dan ‘The Fact’ kemudian mengalun. Ketiga lagu yang bertempo lambat itu mampu membuat penonton sing along sepanjang lagu. Panggung berganti dengan ‘Fiction’ dilanjutkan dengan ‘Freeze’. Konser hampir berakhir. “Indonesia luar biasa!” ujar Yoseob. ‘Oasis’ dinyanyikan seakan menutup konser ‘Beautiful Show 2012′ itu. BEAST memanjakan fans dengan mengambil kamera penonton festival dan memotret diri sendiri. Mereka juga mengambil beberapa barang dari penonton festival. “So BEAST! Terima kasih!” ujar BEAST sambil meninggalkan panggung. Konser tentu tak berakhir begitu saja. Mereka kembali mengenakan kaos Beautiful Show dan menyanyikan lagu ‘Beautiful’ dan ‘V.I.U’. Kali ini dua lagu itu benar-benar menutup konser dengan diiringi kembang api yang terus meledak dan confetti yang bertaburan di udara. “Thank you, Indonesia!” teriak BEAST. Sampai jumpa lagi, BEAST! ENG-TRANS Jakarta – Boyband BEAST kicked Jakarta with their ‘Beautiful Show 2012′. All Hysterical of the audience also showed from the beginning of the concert. The concert starts at 8 PM as scheduled. Few minutes before the concert begin, fans already start screaming “We Want Beast” in many times. It’s opened with some BEAST member photos and greeted with the audience’s scream. Green laser starts shining on stage. But in silver and bronze section, the atmospher seems not good because the seat position are flat and make the audience stand. Six members of BEAST show with suit and studded in their shoulders and arms. And also, fireworks keep showing in front of the stage. Following with some shouts from the audience, they open the concert with ‘Special’. After that, they also perform ‘Breath’ and ‘Shock’ with bursts of fire in front of stage. “You guys are so energic!” said Doojon. They are introducing themselves in Indonesia language. “Saya Doojon! (I’m Doojoon!)” said Doojoon. Gi Kwang also said some sentences in Indonesia language like, “Apa kalian siap?! (Are you ready?!)” and makes everyone scream. ‘Bad Girl’ also to be their next playlist. They start to go in front of the stage and suddenly disappear to backstage, but suddenly ‘Mystery’ start show in big screen and the audience start singing together. They are back to the stage with different clothes. Junhyung’s microphone also died for a moment and it change with another one when they sing ‘Easy’. But enough to make the audience scream of protest because of the singing disappeared in a few seconds. After that the sing ‘Clenching A Tight Fist’. “A lot of fans from Indonesia come to Korea to meet BEAST, also many fans love letter from Indonesia which we have read. So we want to meet in person,” Junhyung shouts and greeted by the audience. Without further ado, ‘I Knew It’ also shows and followe by Hyunseung and Junhyung a solo singing and dancing. The audience continues chanting the name and Junhyung Hyunseung that wearing a red jacket and pants. The magnae Dongwoon and leader Doojoon also make a duet with their song ‘When the Door Closed’. Connected with ‘Let it Snow’ and Gi Kwang and Hyunseung are sitting in a chair with a room set background. Junhyung and Y0seob then took over the stage. The rapper just wearing a white shirt and black pants while Yoseob wearing a black leather jacket and pants with matching color. Both of them sing ‘Thanks to’. The audience was very excited until they feel some ‘earthquake’ there. Yoseob. Junhyung and four other members are back to the stage. ’I Like You the Best’ also start shaking the stage. This time they tease the audience to closer to the festival in all corners of the stage. BEAST also apparently knew how to make the fans scream for envy. On the pretext of ’looking for a girlfriend’, they took one of the festival audience to the stage. One of girl with blue shirt and black shorts sit on stage while they are singing BEAST ‘You’. Her cheeks is kissed by Gi Kwang and hug from behind by Yoseob. Holding hands also by Junhyung. Plus get a large doll by Hyunseung. Thunderous cries of envy from all sides of stage could be heard. Gi Kwang even lie on the lucky fans’s thigh. ‘Lightless’, ‘On Rainy Days’, and ‘The Fact’ also could hear. These three slow tempo song could make the audience sing along throughout the song. Stage changed with the ‘Fiction’ followed by ‘Freeze’. The concert was almost over. ”Indonesia is awesome!” Yoseob said. They sing ‘Oasis’ to the closing song of their concert ‘Beautiful Show 2012′ is.BEAST comes festival audience to take a camera and shoot themself. They also took some stuff from the festival audience. “So BEAST! Terima kasih!” said BEAST while living the stage. Ofcourse the concert won’t end like that. They come back and wear Beautiful Show’s T-Shirt and sings ‘Beautiful’ and ‘V.I.U’. These two songs really close the concert with some fireworks and confetti on the air. “Thank you, Indonesia!” shouted BEAST. See you next time, BEAST!

(Sorry for some grammar mistakes~)

Credits; detikHOT (Source) | Re-shared&eng-trans by; joker951029@b2stindonesia | Asianlook

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